Your Healthy Tidbits; Volume 16 Issue 3

Your Healthy Tidbits; Volume 16 Issue 3

Chiropractic Galloway NJ Healthy Tidbits Volume 16 Issue 3

Tidbit #1

Fear is a bigger obstacle than the obstacle itself. “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.” Any new pursuit requires entering uncharted territory. And that’s scary, but with any great risk comes great reward. The experiences you gain will make it all worthwhile.

Tidbit #2

Researchers from Japan and the Philippines have just published a new study conducted on “stroke-prone” hypertensive rats that indicate Virgin Coconut Oil can help prevent neuronal damage and deaths due to strokes. Given the fact that there is an astounding 100,000% increase in strokes recorded in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) in the past year, this is good news. Stroke is consistently one of the top ten causes of morbidity and mortality globally. Diets that are geared toward prevention of strokes have been implicated to work. In this research, the effects of virgin coconut oil (VCO) on stroke were evaluated using a stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) model. VCO delayed the incidence of it and prolonged their survival. Comparisons between two groups showed a significantly lowered BP by 20 mmHg at four weeks after the start of VCO treatment. Lastly, the brain histopathology showed that the structurally damaged areas were smaller in group B with VCO) than they were in group A (without VCO). The VCO could have protective effects on the brain before and even after stroke incidence.

Tidbit #3

Turn off the TV, computer, and smart phone. Cutting back on screen time is a great way to curb your “sit time.” Move around instead, by visiting the gym or even cleaning the house.

Tidbit #4

The chiropractic adjustment offers additional benefits you may not be aware of… like improved mental function! One study involved 157 children between 6 and 13 years of age with various forms of developmental delay. Their problems included poor memory, dyslexia, attention deficit, and hyperactivity. Eight psychological tests were performed before and after chiropractic care. These tests measured various aspects of memory, orientation in space and time, visual and auditory perception, and muscular coordination. Individually tailored chiropractic care lasted from five days to 18 months. The most common problems were misalignment (subluxation) of the vertebrae of the neck. After all chiropractic care was completed, the psychological tests were repeated. As a group, the children improved on all eight tests and 20 areas of cognitive function. On one of the memory tests, 82% of the children improved. According to the study, "their ability to concentrate, maintain focus and attention, and control impulsivity and their performance at home and school improved." These encouraging results are part of the potential benefits of chiropractic care for developmentally delayed children.

Tidbit #5

Brazil nuts are the No. 1 food source on the planet for selenium (a mineral rich in cancer- fighting, heavy metal-reducing properties). Most of us don't get enough selenium in our diets. Just one to two Brazil nuts per day can be all you need, and even work better than a supplement in maintaining a healthy level of selenium in your body. Selenium is crucial to many bodily functions from mood to inflammation.


"Failure is success if we learn from it."

Malcolm Forbes

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