Healthy Tidbits; Volume 17 Issue 14

Your Healthy Tidbits; Volume 17 Issue 14

Chiropractic Galloway NJ Health Tidbits Volume 17 Issue 1

Tidbit #1

When stressed, lost in a problem, or the past or future in your mind, breathe with your belly for two minutes and just focus on the air going in and out. This will calm your body down and bring your mind back into the present moment again.

Tidbit #2

Scientists from Cornell Univ. have shown that tomato juice kills a particular bacteria responsible for Typhoid fever (a debilitating tropical disease) in addition to other bacteria that can harm people’s digestive and urinary tract health. So they set out to discover which antimicrobial peptides in tomato juice made it so effective against Salmonella. The most significant discovery is that tomato juice is effective in eliminating Salmonella Typhi, its hypervirulent variants, and other bacteria that can harm people’s digestive and urinary tract health. The team identified in their recently published paper antimicrobial peptides that can eliminate these pathogens by impairing the bacterial membrane, a protective layer that surrounds the pathogen and keeps it together. Nature is amazing… isn’t it?

Tidbit #3

The 5 Tibetan Rites, also known as the "Fountain of Youth," are a series of five exercises. They can increase mobility and flexibility and help the body stay nimble as we age. Increased energy and feelings of calmness, mental clarity, greater spinal flexibility, better sleep, weight loss, healthier digestion, and improved libido have also been associated with the practice. For more info about these exercises, go to:

Tidbit #4

How many times did you hear, "Sit up straight!" as a child? How many times have you said this to your own child? There's a reason behind that famous advice: poor posture early in life may lead to a number of spinal problems later on. Teens who slouched also tended to have lower “back-muscle endurance and non-neutral standing position (inability to stand up straight for a period of time)”. Some teens noticed their back pain increased while sitting, and those teens often had poorer scores on a child-behavior test. These findings suggest that whether or not a child slouches is not simply about whether they remember to sit up straight. Encouraging healthy lifestyle habits and a strong self-esteem could also play a big role in helping your teen develop good posture. A doctor of chiropractic can evaluate your child's sitting and standing posture to help them avoid future spinal issues.

Tidbit #5

Blackberries are an incredibly healthy fruit, packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. They provide an impressive amount of vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. Just one cup of blackberries provides a whopping 8 grams of fiber. Also, the antioxidants in blackberries have been shown to reduce inflammation and aging of the arteries. Both effects may protect against chronic illness, such as heart disease and cancer.


"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy."

- Kalu Kalu

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